Yoga | Tai Chi | Qigong

Discover the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of the Internal Arts

Yoga | Tai Chi | Qigong

Discover the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of the Internal Arts

Yoga | Tai Chi | Qigong

Discover the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of the Internal Arts

Peaceable Dragon is a consortium of instructors and students of the internal arts who seek to further develop and enhance their physical, emotional and spiritual condition.

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Book Review: “The Qi Effect: Enhance Your Personal Practice: Chinese Energy meets Quantum Biology by Francesco Garripoli

So, in breaking down the mysterious nomenclature of the ancient Chinese internal arts, Garripoli substitutes the concepts and terminology of quantum mechanics, which itself is complex and evolving.  And yet I find that it works.  If everything that we are, and everything that we experience, are interwoven energy fields, then a knowledge of this (more like a meditation on it) can inform and enhance our personal practices, from sitting meditation to the various moving meditations of Qigong, Tai Chi Chuan, among others.

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