
Body Awareness and Flexibility

Body Awareness and Flexibility Julia Morelli, July 2024 Written well over a century ago, in Dubliners, James Joyce gave us a gift by saying, “Mr. Duffy lived a short distance from his body.” It is a not-so-subtle reminder to live a meaningful life with awareness and...

Applying Quantum Thought to Qigong Theory

Qi activation shifts frequencies in the brain that energize the body to strengthen and revitalize the cells. The quantum potential is for humans to focus and direct the mind to energize and repair irregularities in the cells produced from stress.

Book Review: “The Qi Effect: Enhance Your Personal Practice: Chinese Energy meets Quantum Biology by Francesco Garripoli

So, in breaking down the mysterious nomenclature of the ancient Chinese internal arts, Garripoli substitutes the concepts and terminology of quantum mechanics, which itself is complex and evolving.  And yet I find that it works.  If everything that we are, and everything that we experience, are interwoven energy fields, then a knowledge of this (more like a meditation on it) can inform and enhance our personal practices, from sitting meditation to the various moving meditations of Qigong, Tai Chi Chuan, among others.