
Holiday Message from Master Li JunFeng

The presence of qi keeps the heart open, and the mind alert and clear. The more qi, the easier it is for the heart to experience its innate openness. As the experience of openness grows, qi is able to flow more efficiently, benefiting one's health by filtering out...

A Message from Master Li JunFeng

The universe loves you just the way you are. Through this unconditional love, you can experience your own divinity. You, in turn, should love others just the way they are, with all their seeming foibles and imperfections. It is not for us to remove differences and...

Just Breathe by Susan Lucas

Just Breathe We begin by breathing  Begin this life, begin each moment A breath in follows a breath out follows a breath in On endless repeat We can follow the flow of this breath, sensing it In the sound of the waves, In the feeling of air flowing through our throat...