IMPORTANT NOTICE: Peaceable Dragon’s WTCQD event has been canceled.

World Tai Chi and Qigong Day events are postponed worldwide until the last Saturday in May. Please see below for more information.

Please put World Tai Chi Qigong Day on your calendar for next year, Saturday, April 24, 2021.

Continue to check out Peaceable Dragon’s website for class updates and online offerings. We encourage you to continue practices that support your health and remember that nature seeks to heal.

Many thanks for your interest in participating in this event and supporting the broader community. As you know, practicing the internal arts is beneficial for the mind-body-spirit and Peaceable Dragon is committed to making them accessible.

A Note from
Since public gatherings, like World Tai Chi & Qigong Day (WTCQD) are prohibited or advised against due to the Coronavirus, Covid-19, WTCQD is holding public health education campaigns to BOOST IMMUNITY, in different ways through May 30th, 2020 … we are dubbing April 25th through May 30th BOOST IMMUNITY MONTH


For updates and more information on what’s available globally online, see