An event every week that begins at 2:00 pm on Monday, repeating until Mon, November 6th, 2017
This 6 week class will focus on Tai Chi Easy™, a mind-body practice that combines gentle exercises with mindfulness – often described as moving meditation. Utilizing a few movements taken from traditional Tai Chi forms, its benefits can include balance enhancement, stress and anxiety reduction, sleep improvement, energy and wellness enhancement, increased flexibility, improved digestion, deeper self awareness, and more.
Tai Chi itself is a form of the Chinese self-care practices known as Qigong. Practices designed to cultivate (gong) healing life energies (Qi). This class is suitable for beginners through advanced practitioners. Movements can be modified to accommodate physical abilities.
Church members – contact Fran in the office to register for the class.
Non-church members – please contact Pauline if you are interested in registering –