An event every week that begins at 12:00 pm on Saturday, repeating until Sat, March 6th, 2021
This a seated form of Sheng Zhen Meditation that is a wonderful way to experience the well being that comes from simple movements that enhance the flow of qi. This is ongoing class that meets most every Saturday at noon. During these Covid times we have been having a Zoom class so we can expand it to include a wider group.* Right now we are introducing Stage Two movements, so it is an excellent time to join in. We typically begin with a warm up that emphasizes freedom and ease of movement. From there, it is all about using these inspired movements to achieve the deep relaxation that allows our nature to merge with big nature. The spirit of this practice is expressed in these words: “If your heart is open your qi merges with the universe, your qi flows from the universe, the qi flows into your body, into your mind, adjusting your qi, adjusting your mind, into your heart, and into the bones and ligaments, It flows into the blood and into the meridians, and dissolves into your muscles and skin. Body with small universe, with big universe merge. As I mentioned this class gathers at noon and lasts an hour or so. It is and always has been a free class, To join in and practice with a wonderful group, please contact Mike Kornely: *This class has met for over ten years at Schweinhut Senior Center in Silver Spring, MD