Qigong (pronounced chee-gung) is an ancient Chinese practice that combines movement, breath, and meditation to reduce stress, improve health and emotional balance, and encourage a sense of well-being.
Participants will learn a simple qigong form along with qigong warmups, stretches, suggestions for practice, and information on various aspects of qigong. Join Pauline Reid, a certified qigong teacher, as she guides you through simple movement to release, relax, and revitalize. Movements can be modified to suit individual needs.
This event has 4 sessions. Registration is required for each individual session. You may join at any time. Adults and Older Adults.
These sessions are being offered free by Pauline and the Oakton Public Library to help support and give back to our community. If you feel so inclined, please ‘pay it forward’ by helping a group, a cause or an individual in a way that works for you.