An event every week that begins at 6:30 pm on Monday, repeating until Mon, February 12th, 2018
Qigong for Mindful Stress Relief – This 4 week class will focus on easy-to-learn movements to help reduce stress, increase vitality, enhance the immune system and bring balance to our lives as we navigate our way through life. The class is suitable for beginners through advanced practitioners. Movements can be modified to suit individual needs.
Qigong – an ancient Chinese practice combining movement, breath and focused intention. Often referred to as moving meditation, qigong practices are designed to enhance and balance our qi (vital energy), with the goal of attaining better physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.
This class is being offered exclusively to Inova Life with Cancer participants. Please contact Inova’s Life with Cancer to see if you qualify and to register to take the class. 703-206-5433